The Mood Check flowchart
When my mood dips and my mind starts trying to rationalise why, I hold the thought and run through this flowchart.
The human mind is fallible. We think we're rational creatures, and sometimes we can surprise ourselves by surpassing those expectations. But even in the throes of logic, we're still ultimately nerve-stricken fleshbags influenced by our emotions, perceptions and physical states of being.
So, if I'm in a bad mood, I try eating. Not gorge on comfort food, mind you, though that does happen from time to time. I have a reasonable snack or meal then if I'm still upset, I know it's not just hanger.
Then I play, rest or sleep. If I don't feel better, I know it's not just boredom, fatigue and stress.
Then I review my activity levels in the days prior. Like a lot of people, I get irritable when I'm sedentary for too long certain body parts start to hurt for now reason. But if I'm having a good run of activity, it's usually safe to pin the bad mood on something else.
As for socialising, I know too much or too little can both leave me in a bad way. Over-socialising seems to be one of the biggest contributors to a negative mental state, but since the pandemic, I've had bouts of depression from under-socialising too. All things in balance, eh?
Then comes the habit check. If a mood passes (or is 'fails' more correct to say?) all of these tests, I take a long hard look at my personal and lifestyle habits. I'm not ashamed to admit they've needed tweaking before. Anyone who's ever changed a habit, tail between their legs or no, should be proud of having taken responsibility for their own life choices.
Finally, if it turns out I'm actually happy with my habits, I'll know via process of elimination that something is terribly wrong in my life.
Usually what follows is a major correction. And usually after that: a much better mood.