What I’m up to now

Writing, writing, and you guessed it…

Books and stories on the boil 📚 A short sci-fi story 📕 A sci-ri romance novelette 📗 A contemporary romance novel 📘 A mystery novella 📙

Staying active

I have completed my pole goals for 2024, and by some delightful stroke of luck managed to enrol in the course I missed out on last time I was at my current studio. My routine is now a self-styled mix of pole work, calisthenics, Pilates-inspired activities, and occasional heavy deadlifts.

Terra serenus

Our woolly bush has established. The wind blew our Thai chilli plant over. Our kangaroo paw has died again. The finger lime is not growing as fast as we’d like. And we now have a blueberry bush!

Recent reading/watching/playing

  • Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
  • Blood & Stone by Tamara M. Bailey
  • The Apprentice (2024)
  • The Penguin (TV)
  • Baldur’s Gate 3
  • Factorio
  • Frosthaven (TTS)

Misc learnings

Attachment theory. History of economics. Digital copyright (ebooks). The Highland Clearance. Cultural immune systems. Book cover design. Fiction archetypes. Wheel pottery. Typographic Age vs Age of Entertainment. Linguistics. Fantasy-based adult toys. Cnidarians.

Current obsessions

Embroidery. Sunday roast. Book cover design. Vampire lore. Slow productivity.

Pls no

Technopoly. Culture of uncare. Hyperactive Hive Mind. Hyperconsumption. Bullshit jobs. Big Social. Walking into spiderwebs.

This "Now" update was inspired by Derek Sivers’ Now page movement and Kohan Ikin’s Now page.