What I’m up to now

Writing, writing and, you guessed it…

Books and stories on the boil 📚 A series of otherworldly novelettes 📕 A time travel novelette 📗 A contemporary romance novel 📘 A cookbook 📙

Staying active

Fitness classes were fun for a while, but was hard to manage around the modifications I need to make on the advice of my physio. This is fine. My routine is now a self-styled mix of powerlifting training, Pilates-inspired activities, and pole work. I look forward to hitting the gym more than ever now.

Terra serenus

Our banksias survived their establishment period. Our kangaroo paw survived the summer. Oregano’s going gangbusters. Midyim bushes made few berries, but seem to be enjoying the rainy weather.

Recent reading/watching/playing

  • Technopoly by Neil Postman
  • Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
  • The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling
  • Dark Matter (TV)
  • Dredge
  • Inscryption
  • Frosthaven (TTS)
  • Baldur’s Gate 3

Misc learnings

Cultural immune systems. Book cover design. Fiction archetypes. Wheel pottery. Typographic Age vs Age of Entertainment. Linguistics. Fantasy-based adult toys. Cnidarians. Mini golf. Old Shanghai. Quantum physics. Mentoring indie authors.

Current obsessions

Book cover design. Vampire lore. Slow productivity.

Pls no

Technopoly. Culture of uncare. Hyperactive Hive Mind. Hyperconsumption. Bullshit jobs. Big Social. Walking into spiderwebs.

This "Now" update was inspired by Derek Sivers’ Now page movement and Kohan Ikin’s Now page.